Health Insurance Cost Calculator

This health insurance cost calculator illustrates health insurance premiums and subsidies for people purchasing insurance on their own in new health insurance exchanges (or ā€œMarketplacesā€) created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Beginning in October 2013, middle-income people under age 65, who are not eligible for coverage through their employer, Medicaid, or Medicare, can apply for tax credit subsidies available through state-based exchanges.

Additionally, states have the option to expand their Medicaid programs to cover all people making up to 138% of the federal poverty level (which is about $33,000 for a family of four). In states that opt out of expanding Medicaid, some people making below this amount will still be eligible for Medicaid, some will be eligible for subsidized coverage through Marketplaces, and others will not be eligible for subsidies.

With this calculator, you can enter different income levels, ages, and family sizes to get an estimate of your eligibility for subsidies and how much you could spend on health insurance. As premiums and eligibility requirements may vary, contact your stateā€™s Medicaid office or exchange with enrollment questions. After you’ve estimated your costs, compare multiple plans and providers to make sure you are getting the best coverage at the best price.